Damn! A stroke of bad luck today: It is raining in Nice. We have a full free day today so I was planning on wandering the streets and walking the promenade by the water but now I’m stuck in my room. Boooo. I got out for a little bit this morning before the rain came but it was already overcast so I wasn’t able to get the best pics in the world. I put the camera on a setting called Vivid which jacks up all the color levels so it doesn’t look as gray as it was. Oh and their water is amazing . I’m guessing it’s because there’s no sand to dirty it up. Or because someone told me so. Ooooooh preeeeeeety. On the way home from the beach I stopped at a place to pick up new sandals. Then I had to walk the rest of the way with this: It’s cool though because I’m in Europe – guys wear purses here. After catching up on some writing in the hotel, I decided it was about time I went for a run. I mapped out a nice route along the water, suited up, threw on my headband and went out into the pouring ...